"Case Scene" is a domestic drama released in mainland China in 2004. This drama has a total of 30 episodes, and the length of a single episode is 45 minutes. This TV series tells the story of a criminal police team. In an era when many cases are emerging one after another, they arrest the criminal suspects very accurately through investigation after investigation, and finally tell the truth to the public. The plot of this TV series is very exciting, allowing us to see that the police used a calm approach in each case to solve one case after another. The entire process of the murderer's crime was revealed to the audience, allowing us to see the brave, fearless, and dedicated spirit of the police. They uphold justice. There is no exaggerated performance in this TV series. The development of the plot is promoted along with the plot, and it does not make the audience feel like a play. The portrayal of the characters in the play is very vivid, Team Chen's expressions, eyes and smiles are all performed, and the deterrent power of the police is also vividly displayed during the interrogation process